No channel is streaming

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No channel is streaming

Сообщение janoss1989 » 13 май 2023, 18:47

Sorry for the post, but none of the channels work for me. I did not renew my subscription after the first month, but now I have connected the service for three months, but it does not show any channels. Can the administrator see my settings? Maybe something needs to be changed in the configuration?
Сообщения: 2
Зарегистрирован: 26 мар 2023, 12:34

Re: No channel is streaming

Сообщение serega » 14 май 2023, 00:46

iptv bonus package is activated within 1 day
пишите в спецотдел техподдержки
ответ будет быстрее
Сообщения: 1110
Зарегистрирован: 01 сен 2011, 21:55

Re: No channel is streaming

Сообщение janoss1989 » 14 май 2023, 21:16

Now it is couple hours past 24h mark. is it 1 working day or 1 any day?
Сообщения: 2
Зарегистрирован: 26 мар 2023, 12:34

Re: No channel is streaming

Сообщение serega » 14 май 2023, 23:05

PM me a link to your HLS playlist
or download the playlist to your computer and check it in the VLC player
пишите в спецотдел техподдержки
ответ будет быстрее
Сообщения: 1110
Зарегистрирован: 01 сен 2011, 21:55

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